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Parrots' Talking

A Selection of Parrot Jokes, Cartoons and Poems


What do you say to an Internet Parrot?

Who's a prett-e boy then?

What profession did the parrot get into when it swallowed the clock?


What is a Polygon?

A dead parrot!

What do you call a Scottish Parrot?

A Macaw

How do you know that parrots are cleverer than chickens?

Have you ever heard of Kentuck Fried Parrot?

THE PARROT by Edward Lucie-Smith

A parrot is a thief

No word.

Is safe in earshot

of that bird.

He picks it up

he turns it round.

He croaks

he tries it out for sound.

And then he says it,

loud and clear.

All the neighbours

know you swear!


The parrot sits, upon his perch.

Wrapped in gloomy thought.

And dreams. Of his distant home.

His wings of bright blue; are clipped.

From his red beak, come words of wisdom.

Will then never never, unlatch his cage.

And set him free once more?

Inpatient, in anger

He claws and tears at his perch.

To which he has clung, so long.

Will the world of men, not pity him.

And freedom, he has lost?

Of what use to him in prison.

In his coat of wondrous hue.